Evil deed begets evil

Once upon a time, a husband was traveling to a distant village to bring his wife back to his home from the wife’s parent home in another village. He was passing a forest on his way to that village and suddenly he was witnessing a bloody fight between a demon and tiger. The tiger was overpowering the demon and was about to kill it. The husband decided to kill the tiger with his sword in order to save the demon’s life. The demon, instead of being grateful to the husband, climbed on him and wrapped its body around the body of the husband and wanted to eat him up as he was very hungry after the bloody fight. The husband pleaded for his life but the demon made it very clear that he was very hungry and wanted to eat him up. Finally, the husband begged him to spare his life for a few days, as he wanted to meet his wife for the last time and bid her farewell. The demon agreed and let him go after extracting a promise that the man would return soon to the same exact spot. The sad young man continued on his journey and reached his wife’s village. He stayed for a few days and was preparing to return alone when his wife insisted on accompanying her husband to their home. Finally, the husband gave in to her requests and agreed to let his wife accompany him. He finally told her the story of what had transpired between him and the demon. The wife knew the demons had magical powers so she made a plan in her mind on the way to the demon. They passed through the same forest and the demon was waiting for the man at a certain spot. The hopeless young man said to the demon “Now I am ready for you, you can eat me.” The demon was about to eat him, when his wife pleaded with the demon to spare her husband’s life. She said “What would I do without my husband? How would I survive alone?” The demon took pity on her and went to his cave and came back with magical seeds and said “You can go home and eat these seeds and you will get pregnant with sons, once you consume them. They will take great care of you.” The intelligent wife said “Thank you, but all the people in the village will tease my sons that they are fatherless children in school!” The demon again went in his hole and brought some magical liquid and said “If you pour out this liquid on to whoever is teasing your sons, he will be poisoned and die immediately!” The clever wife took the liquid and poured it out on the demon. The demon died on the spot and the couple happily went on their way home. Thanks to the quick thinking on the wife’s part.

Wisdom, life lessons and rules- Do not interfere between 2 people who are fighting and especially if we don’t know both sides of the story like the demon and the tiger. Because if we poke our nose the outcome will be unfavorable !

“Mommy, today my friend in my class was rude to me and broke my branch for no reason! I am so mad at him for doing that”…said Neelu tree. “Did you do anything to make him mad?” asked Nishu tree. “No mommy, but today I was able to answer all the questions the teacher asked us in the class correctly, I think, thats why my friend was jealous, mean to me and was insulting me a lot.” said Neelu “Do you know what is the nature of trees ? If someone throws stones at us trees, we give them fruit in return. For every unkind action, we must learn to forgive others for they may be going through something and may be having a bad day. Remember never to get impacted by someone’s actions and react without thinking. For every good deed, there is a good return that comes around and eventually your friend will realize his mistake sooner or later. But everyone is going through their own struggles we must forgive them.” “Let me explain in detail with a story, once upon a time”…continued Nishu tree…