The Red Ants and the Snake

Once upon a time a huge enormous black snake lived in an anthill. One day was badly injured after a bloody fight with a mongoose. He scratched his body badly and there was a big wound all over his body. The smell of his blood oozing out of the wound attracted the red ants and they came in large numbers and started stinging the snake all over his body. The snake thrashed his body around to kill the ants but they were in large numbers. Soon the snake had wounds all over his body from the ants stinging him and he died in pain. The Ants killed the snake and ate him.

Wisdom, Life lessons, Rules-One cannot win against a big crowd. It is very hard to win against a large group. It is wise to avoid any confrontation with the large groups of people, but if possible it is easier to convince or win arguments with individuals or smaller number of people.