The bedbug and the Wasp

Once upon a time there lived a bedbug with her vast family on the royal king’s bed. The bedbugs enjoyed sucking on royal blood of the king daily. One day a wasp flew in and landed on the soft royal bed. He realized it was a king’s bed and was very excited and it couldn’t wait to taste the blood of the royal king! As he was running around on the soft royal bed, he met the bedbug. The bedbug asked him to leave immediately but the wasp pleaded with the bedbug and wanted to be his guest for just one night. The bedbug finally agreed to let him stay but asked the wasp to be very quite if he wanted to stay and to not bite the king. The silly wasp didnt heed the warnings given to him by the bedbug. That night as soon as king lay in bed he bit the king on his back as he couldn’t wait to taste the king’s royal blood. Immediately, the king jumped up in pain from the bed after being stung and asked his servants to get rid of any insects in his bed. The wasp was quick to hide and ran outside the bed. But servants found the bedbug with his whole family and they killed all of them instantly. Because of wasp’s mistake, the bedbugs suffered a huge loss of losing their lives..

Wisdom, life lessons and rules:- Be very cautious and do not take risk, by giving invitation to any stranger whose character, or conduct one is not aware of or familiar with to come and live in your home or heart. There is a saying “be careful who you let on yr ship, because some people will sink the whole ship because they cannot be the captain of the ship”.