Three friends

Once upon a time, there lived 3 fishes in the lake. They were very close friends. One day a fisherman who was passing by the lake was discussing with his friend loudly that he planned to come next day and catch all the fishes in that lake as he saw many fishes in that lake. One of the fishes overheard the fisherman and related what she heard to both her friends and she asked them to leave this lake immediately and go elsewhere. The second fish said, “Oh no, I love this lake, so I will figure out a way to escape! I don’t want to leave this lake. The third friend said “I don’t want to go anywhere else, we have lived here from so many generations so who knows if the fisherman will come at all. so I will not go from this lake. The first fish immediately relocated to another lake nearby since both her friends had decided to stay back in the old lake. The very next day the fisherman came and set up a big net and caught all the fishes. The second fish pretended to be dead so the fisherman removed her and put her on the banks of the lake. Immediately, the second fish jumped into water and swam to safety. The third fish struggled to escape from the net but was pounded to death. So out of three fishes, the first and second fish survived due to their foresight and planning. Whereas the third fish had perished because she had the attitude whatever will happen we will see later on.

Wisdom, life lessons and rules: Always carefully consider and take the the warnings seriously given to you from your loved ones and well wishers.

Always have a back up plan ready if any catastrophe strikes just like the second fish in the story.

Never have the attitude that whatever will happen its ok….as if there is no planning or any back up plan, that can lead to one’s downfall.

The Tortoise and the swans

Long time ago there lived a tortoise by a vast lake. The lake was drying up due to drought. His 2 friends, a pair of swan came to bid him farewell as they were relocating to another lake. The tortoise also wanted to go with them so he soon planned a strategy to go with them to another lake. He asked his friends to find for him a strong stick. He asked his 2 friends to hold the stick on either ends of the stick while he grabbed the stick in middle with his mouth. The swans warned him not to speak at all or he will fall and crash to the ground below. The tortoise took a vow of silence and off they flew in the air. The people below gathered to see the strange sight and started to shout in excitement! The Turtle opened his mouth to ask the geese “What are the people saying?” and lost his grip on the stick and fell to the ground crushed in pieces! The tortoise did not pay attention to the warnings given by the swans and therefore met his perilous death! He also forgot his own vow to himself.

Wisdom, life lessons and rules: Always carefully consider and take the the warnings seriously given to you from your loved ones and well wishers. And remember to be alert and cautious!

Remember the rules and vows they are for your safety

Always have a back up plan ready if any catastrophe strikes.