THE 2 Paintings

Once upon a time, a customer went to an artist shop where lots of paintings were displayed. The paintings were strange. One of the paintings had a face which was covered with lots of hair so couldn’t see the face at all and had wings on her feet! The second painting had a painting of a man’s back who was bald. The customer asked the artist “Whose paining is this one?” and pointed towards the woman whose face was covered with hair. The artist replied, “This paining is of opportunities in our lives which God sends our way.” “Why is her face hidden with hair?!” asked the bewildered customer. Artist replied, “Because often when the opportinites come our way we humans don’t recognize that this is an opportunity and miss the opportunities in our life!” “And so what are the wings in her feet for?” asked the now curious customer.” “The reason being opportunities fly away very, very quickly from our lives if we dont utilize them immediately!” Now the intrigued customer asked the shopkeeper artist, “Who is this bald man shown in this picture from the back?” “This paining is also the picture of opportunity, if we catch hold of opportunity from the front of the face and grab the hair with both hands then the opportunity Is yours but if we delay catching the hair a little late then only we can get the back of bald head that is missed opportunity and he will slip from our fingers very quickly and go away.” The customer was taken aback by the explanations of the artist but he was able to grasp the meaning of opportunity very clearly depicted from these 2 paintings.

Wisdom, Life lessons and Rules-You may have heard people saying I didn’t get a chance at all but this is simply making excuses and not taking our responsibility of our mistakes of not recognizing the opportunity when it came our way and catching it at the right time and we simply say I didi’t get the chance in order to hide from our mistakes and making excuses. In reality, God has given us birth among many many opportunities in life. And always there are many opportunities coming our way and going but we are not able to recognize and delay in understanding that this is an opportunity. And sometimes we miss these opportunities as we are waiting for some bigger opportunity. But opportunities are not big or small. We must utilize every chance and opportunities that come our way fully.

Credits:- Brahma Kumaris