Monkey in the wedge

Long time ago, a rich farmer wanted to build a well. A well on the outskirts of the city for travelers who were thirsty. The carpenters who were building the well everyday would leave their tools behind and go home for the night after the days work was over. One day, a group of monkeys came upon the site of unfinished well and were jumping and playing around in the evening when everyone had gone home. One of the curious monkeys saw a half cut wood which was split in two and was open due to a wedge stuck between 2 split sides of the wood. The wedge was stuck in-between the two split sides of the wood to hold 2 sides of wood open. The curious monkey wondered why anyone would put a wedge in middle of a split wood like that and he decided to remove the wedge and as he pulled and pulled at the wedge with all his strength, the wedge suddenly dislodged and the two split sides came together to shut and the monkey’s body was caught between the split wood and it got squeezed in the wood as it shut close with force. The poor curious monkey died on the spot.

Wisdom, life lessons and rules -One shouldn’t poke one’s nose where it doesn’t belong, it leads to unfavorable outcomes.

We have to use our time in worthwhile way by focusing on improving ourselves and our goals rather than interfering in others business, focusing on others, what they should do or not do, passing judgments on others, finding faults with others.

We have to stay away from performing wasteful actions, wasteful words, and wasteful thoughts because wasteful karmas waste our valuable time and we are not able to progress faster in our goals.

Once upon a time, a jackal was roaming around in the forest in search of food. He saw 2 rams butting their heads in a bloody fight. The jackal wanted to taste the blood dripping from their heads as they crashed their heads in a fierce battle. He went and stood right in the middle of the 2 rams thinking he will eat the rams when they are busy fighting but unfortunately this time, as the rams charged towards each other, Jackal’s head was caught between their 2 heads and he was killed instantly.

Wisdom, life lessons and rules -One shouldn’t poke one’s nose where it doesn’t belong, it leads to unfavorable outcomes.

The Rams and the Jackal