The brahmin’s Goat

Once upon a time, a brahmin was planning to sell his goat in the nearby village. So he took the goat and put it on his shoulders and started walking. Along the forest road 3 thieves spotted him from their hiding place carrying the goat. They decided to trick the brahmin so they could eat the goat easily. The first thief met the brahmin and pretended to see the brahmin for the first time and exclaimed “Sir, how can u carry a dog who is so filthy and dirty animal?.!” The brahmin was angry and retorted, “O my good man, how can you call this goat, a dog! Are you blind or something?” The thief replied, “ I am sorry maybe I am mistaken!” After the brahmin reached another bent in the road, he met the second thief. The second thief exclaimed to the brahmin, “O Sir, how can you carry a dirty dog on yr back?!” The brahmin was astonished again, he said, “On what basis are you calling this goat a dog, can’t you see properly?” The thief replied apologetically, ”Sorry sir, it must be my mistake.” Another bent came in the road and he met the third thief who exclaimed to the brahmin, “O dear, why on earth would you be carrying a dirty dog on your shoulders when it can easily walk on his own?” Throw it down! and let it walk on its own for gods sake!” The brahmin thought maybe something was wrong with himself for not recognizing a goat or a dog or someone must have put a spell on him so he coulsn’t tell a dog from a goat!! as all 3 people couldn’t be wrong. So he threw the goat down and ran for his life without looking back. The 3 thieves took the goat and ran and they had a good laugh at the brahmin. They had fooled the poor chap. The corrupted men outwitted the brahmin.

Wisdom, life lessons and rules- People can con others easily by using many different tactics for eg. by crocodile tears or by being good salesmen and selling you snake oil but we have to be aware of such people and not become gullible to such people.