The pet dog and the mom

Once upon a time, there lived a family in a small town. The wife gave birth to a baby girl and they had already adopted a pup before the baby was born. The mom was always skeptical about whether the small pup would harm her newborn and was always very wary of the pup because of this inner fear she had. But she always took good care of the small pup as her own baby.

One day she had to leave the baby with the pup as someone close to her had died suddenly in the small town. So she had to attend the death ceremony. She told her husband to keep a watch on the baby and left . Due to new work contract the husband decided to come back quickly in an hour and left. A thief who was watching there going in and out from far decided to enter their house as soon as the husband left for work. The thief found some jewelry and money and tied in his sack and was about to jump out of the window when the pup bit the thief on his leg. The thief screaming in pain dropped the sack of jewelry, jumped out of the window and ran for his life screaming in pain!

When the mother arrived at the door the pup ran to greet her with blood covering its mouth. The mother got scared immediately that the pup had harmed her baby as she saw blood all over pup’s mouth. In fear, she took a metal vase near the entrance of the house and swung it towards the pup who was running towards her. The pup immediately fell to the ground in pain as the heavy metal vase hit it. The mother ran immediately to the other room to check on her baby girl who was sleeping peacefully. She found a sack full of all their jewelry and savings and pool of blood near the window. She realized that the pup had protected her baby and also all their savings from a thief !! She ran to the door where the pup was lying still but it was too late as the pup lay dead! The heavy vase had hit its head. She was extremely devastated that instead of loving and rewarding the baby pup she had killed it by throwing a heavy metal vase at it. She became very angry with her husband for going off to work, leaving their baby alone with the pup. She started crying at the loss of the baby pup who had saved their wealth and any possible harm to the baby from a stranger! She regretted her hasty decision immensely but nothing could now bring the pup back to life!

Wisdom, Life lessons and rules-Never in haste, jump to wrong conclusions and take any hasty actions without thinking of the consequence of that action. It will give unfavorable outcomes. Take your time thinking things through and don’t give in to the emotions!

Before doing any action think of the consequences of the action and then do the action.

Haste makes waste is a good principle to remember as we waste our time regretting our losses which are based on hasty actions and wrong conclusions.