Story of 2 parrots

Once upon a time, a mother parrot was out in search of food for her 2 baby parrots. A hunter stole the 2 baby parrots from the nest and took off. One of the baby parrots managed to escape and flew off a distance and landed near a hermit’s cottage. The hermit took loving care of the baby parrot. The other parrot lived with the hunter and was taught to speak human language but the hunter spoke very rough language. One day a king who had lost his way passed the cottage of the hunter. The parrot saw the king and said, “O come, come hunter and seize this person who is coming on a horse, seize him, bind him, kill him kill him.” Hearing this, the king was very displeased with the parrot and rode further away. This time as he was passing the hermit’s cottage he heard another parrot who said, “O come soon dear hermit, for a guest is here we must welcome him and give him cool shade under this tree and treat our guest with cool waters and sweet fruits!” Hearing this the king stopped and asked the parrot, “It is so strange as I met another parrot who looked exactly same like you, but he spoke unkind words and was very rude while you are so sweet to listen to.”

The parrot related to the king the story of the hunter and how both brothers had been separated from their mother. And how they were raised by different people. The king rested in the hermit’s cottage and reached a conclusion. One learns to speak the language with whoever one is associated with.

Wisdom, Life Lessons, and Rules: We pick up the way we speak to others from the culture we are exposed to since childhood. We have learnt their style, their way of talking from the people we associate since childhood and we may not know any other way, so our language and even our way of thinking is vastly influenced by them.

Therefore, one has to choose circle of friends and company one keeps very wisely. We want to associate with people who are kind and of good character, good values and high principles.

Associating with bad company makes us cultivate more vices instead of virtues!