The 2 merchant friends

Centuries ago, there were 2 friends who were merchants and they were on a journey in search of wealth. The merchants came upon treasure as they were resting under a tree. As when they were resting under the tree, both the merchants had a dream that there was a treasure chest hidden under that tree! Next day both the merchants related their dreams to one another and were shocked and happy at the same time that they had the same dream so maybe there was a treasure under the tree!? Both of them dug under the tree in excitement! and Lo! behold! They found a treasure chest full of gold, silver coins and gems in the treasure box to their surprise! The merchants were excited and both of them both decided to return home after a successful journey. On their way back home they decided to bury the treasure just outside of the city they lived in, in a safe place under a tree in the forest. They both took some of their treasure and decided to come back after a while, when they would run out of money. One day, the first merchant had a thought what if he stole rest of the buried treasure, he would get most of the money instead of splitting it with his friend?! so he went on his own, one day and dug up the chest and all of treasure while leaving the empty chest behind in the same spot. After a few months he pretended to go with the innocent second merchant to dig up their treasure chest to get more money, to their old spot. Now after reaching the spot and digging up the empty chest the first dishonest friend accused the second friend of looting him of his part of the treasure!!. The second friend who was honest, was shocked at the outcome of events and then after arguing a lot amongst each other, they decided to both get justice from the king. At the king’s court, the minister told them that there will be deep investigation process but the first dishonest friend suggested that since this happened in the forest, the forest deity is a witness and they should confront the forest deity. The minister was curious at such a strange suggestion and he asked everyone to gather in the forest first thing in the morning. That night the dishonest friend asked his father to hide in the hollow of the tree and declare that his second friend was the thief, who had stolen the gold coins. The father warned the son to think it over again as it was not a good idea but the son insisted on his plan and then hid his father in the hollow of the tree that night. Next morning everyone gathered in the forest, at the spot where they had buried the treasure. The dishonest son called out to the forest deity and asked the deity as a witness as to who was the culprit? A voice came from the tree saying that the second friend was the one who stole rest of the treasure!!. Hearing this the second friend immediately had an idea, he gathered some branches and twigs and started a fire beneath the tree! Everyone was still very astonished at the voice coming from the tree, when suddenly the father came wailing out of the tree in pain from being half burnt by the fire. The second friend explained to everyone that they were being set up by the first friend and that he was fooling everyone about the forest deity as he was the culprit who stole the treasure!. The minister immediately asked the guards to capture the dishonest friend and punish him later in court as he was the real thief and he was found guilty for fooling everyone and also stealing the treasure !!

Wisdom, Life lessons and Rules-We have to be careful about friends and company we keep. We should not be too trusting of anyone even though they may be your best of friends.

Truth has a way of coming out one way or another.

Quick thinking on the spot is vital for survival.

One must heed the warning of the old wise experienced folks and not make hasty and impulsive decisions.

Evil intentions, generally, result in unfavorable outcomes.