The Unfaithful Wife

Once upon a time, there lived a rich old merchant with a wife. One day a thief met the merchant’s wife and said “ My wife is dead and so will you marry me leave your of the old man and run away with me.” The old merchant’s wife was pleasantly surprised and said “ yes lets run away together at night to nearby village across the river I will gather all my old husband’s immense wealth and we can go away and get married.” So they met at night and off they went on their journey. They came upon a river and the thief said “I will cross the river with all the wealth you have so that way it doesn’t get wet and then hide it on the other shore and come back for you too.” The thief left the woman on the shore and never came back for her! all he wanted was her wealth! He had tricked her. The unsuspecting wife was waiting on the shore for the thief to come back but the thief never returned. Soon she said realized the thief had fooled her and taken her wealth!” So she had lost all 3. Her old husband, her lover and her wealth.!”

Wisdom, Life lessons and Rules- When you already have a parking space don’t drive away to look for a better parking space than the one you already have. Meaning, In life be very faithful to people you already have in your life. Do not wrong the ones who love you.