Once upon a time, there was a very handsome young prince. He was cute but no one used to like him because he would not listen to anyone and disobey the elders. When the teacher of the Gurukul used to tell him to study, he would argue and say, “I am a prince, I can do whatever I want to I am independent so whenever I feel like studying I will study. When friends used to tell him to play with them, he would say, “I am a prince whenever I feel like playing I will play and whatever I feel like playing I will play.” Even friends would get tired of him and would avoid him and so everyone like this was fed up with him. One day, a sadhu came to know about the issues with the prince of his kingdom. He went to the prince immediatly and said, “I want to gift you this magical gem. Please keep it near your pillow and sleep.” That night the prince who normally never obeyed anyone would also not obey the sadhu’s instruction too, but since it was magical he got curious and decided to keep the magical gem next to his pillow. He soon fell asleep and started dreaming. In the dream he saw that he has become the king of this kingdom after his father died. Then he gave some orders to the minister. The minister replied, ”I am the minister of this kingdom, I am independent why should I obey you?” He was stunned by his reply. Then he gave some orders to the army general. The army general replied, “I am general of this vast army, I will do whatever I want to do!” The prince was so shaken up that he woke up from his dream. He started realizing his mistake, now he wanted to change his attitude as he realized if I don’t listen to others and elders and respect others then tomorrow no one will respect me and listen to me. From next day onwards he started to change his ways be becoming more humble and obeyed, respected elders and listen to others who were his teachers and well-wishers and friends.

Wisdom, Rules and Life lessons-If we want to be successful in our life, then we have to be a humble student and it is very important to follow instructions, discipline and rules given to us by our elders. There is great wisdom in all the rules and discipline. When we follow discipline then the discipline will lead us to become successful.