“How do I know what tasks to set in my daily timetable, mommy?” asked Neelu tree to his mother, Nishu tree. “I set my tasks according to my goals.” replied Nishu tree. “For e.g. If one of my goals is to achieve the highest grade in my school, I know, I will have to work on each subject for 30min -1 hr daily. So I will set my timetable to study for 3 hrs so I can cover all my subjects and do my homework. Say, I set my daily timetable to study from 5pm to 8pm. My second goal maybe to exercise for my health then I will set a time in my timetable that from 3pm to 4pm I will be cycling for example.. And from 8pm I will read a book. 9pm I will write in my journal before going to sleep. So you see all the tasks I chose covered my goals and I will feel good about myself that I have achieved most of my goals and tasks for that day!” Said Nishu tree.

How do I decide what task to choose for my daily timetable?

Goals help us to decide what tasks are priorities