The Most Valuable Thing

Once upon a time a famous speaker was giving a lecture to the young audience. The speaker showed everyone 500 rupee note to everyone and asked everyone in the audience who would want to own this note and almost everyone raised their hands without any hesitation. Then the speaker crushed the note in his fist and the note was in terrible state. Again the speaker asked everyone, “Now that I have badly crushed the note in my hands and it is in terrible state does anyone still want it?” Still all the audience raised their hands to show their willingness to own that note. Then the speaker threw the note down and with his shoes tried to crush the note even further! Still when asked again, everyone wanted to own the note no matter what condition it was in. Then the speaker said, “I am trying to teach you a valuable lesson here. I have done terrible things to this note but still you all wanted to own it! Because the value of the note has not diminished. Its market value is still rupees 500. Similarly in life we have setbacks failures and the decisions we make can ruin our lives completely. We feel there is no value in ourselves. But whatever has happened in our life or whatever happens in future our self value never depreciates. You are special soul don’t ever forget this. Do not ever let the past failures ruin your future goals and dreams. Remember the most valuable thing you have is your life!

Wisdom. Rules. Life lessons- The most valuable and precious thing is your life. Never devalue yourself.

Credits-Brahma Kumaris Organization