The foresight of Monkey leader

Once upon a time in prosperous kingdom there lived a lot of monkeys near the king’s palace. The leader of the monkeys noticed something unusual. He observed a greedy sheep would go into the cook’s kitchen everyday as he was obsessed with the rich food and it was trying to steal the food from the kitchen daily. The cook was getting irritated with the greedy sheep and on daily basis the cook would throw something at the sheep daily to make it go away from the kitchen. The old monkey knew if this happened daily it could lead to disaster. Because one day the cook could throw a burning stick and the sheep’s wool would catch fire and their tree would burn down killing all the monkeys on it. So the old monkey decided to warn everyone about the inevitable danger coming and to abandon this comfortable palace life and go to the forest. Unfortunately, he was not able to convince his family to move with him to the forest and so he decided to go alone to the forest as he couldn’t bear to witness the end of his family. And just as the old monkey leader had predicted the same scene unfolded the burning stick scorched the tree and all the monkeys perished on it.

Wisdom, Life lessons, and Rules-One must always try to think about the hurdles coming in the future and work on facing them with a plan, a strategy so one can overcome them easily.

If senseless fights arise in the house each and everyday, people who wish to stay alive should decide to move faraway.