Once upon a time….


”Mommy?” ”Are you mad at me?” asked Neelu tree.

”I am very hurt by your rude behaviour with me the other day. I could sense the bitterness in your voice” said Nishu tree. “Remember Neelu, how you speak with others is very important. Whenever you speak to anyone, it should make others happy and other person should feel flowers are coming out of your mouth, choose words wisely and speak very sweetly.” Always use “Please”, “Sorry” and “Thank You” as often as you can they are 3 magic words of manners.

”Let me tell you a story my dear.” Said Nishu Tree.

Once upon a time, very long time ago, there lived a king who was very just and kind to his subjects. One day, the king was having a procession of his royal army on the main road of his kingdom. On the same road a blind beggar and his son were walking to the market place. The blind beggar had kept his hand on his son’s shoulder so the son could guide him through the streets.

One of the soldier from the royal army approached him and said, ”Hey! Get lost from here !! Don’t you see the royal procession is coming nearer!?” The blind man replied “Certainly soldier” and tried to walk swiftly away. The blind man was old and they were not fast enough.

So the captain approached them and said ”Brother, stay a little far from this main street as king’s procession is on the way.” The beggar replied “Yes, certainly captain!” And again tried to move swiftly away from the main road but they were not fast enough.

This time the king himself stepped down from his royal chariot and said “Dear gentlemen, if it is not too much trouble, can you please give us the way?” asked the King. “Certainly, your majesty!” said the blind beggar and finally they were able to move out of the way of the procession.

As soon as they were out of the way, the curious son asked his father “How were you able to know, who was the soldier? captain? or the king? as you cannot see them?” The beggar replied “From the way they spoke to me! From the way you talk to people, they can judge what kind of culture, manners and family upbringing you have !” Thats so astonishing as you were so accurate!” Replied the son.

Credit for story-BAPS, Sanskar you tube channel.

Wisdom, Life lessons and Rules- The way you speak with others speaks volumes about your manners, and your upbringing. So be very sweet, royal and respectful while speaking with others and speak sweetly like the cuckoo and not caw harshly like the crow. People will judge you, based on the way you talk to them and judge the family you come from, and If one uses rude language especially if you use bad words or mimic anyone then your upbringing will be judged.

Once upon a time, there lived a king who was very powerful and intelligent. He had a very big family with many wives and children and his kingdom was happy and prosperous. One day after the days work in the court the king was very tired and told his bodyguard that he would like to sleep very early that day and off to the bed he went. The bodyguard wished him and said “Goodnight your majesty, and may God bless you with sweet dreams.” The bodyguard was alert throughout the night and kept a watch on the king while king was asleep. When dawn broke, suddenly the king woke up and began to scream “Where are my teeth.?. where are my teeth!?” The bodyguard immediately replied, ”Your majesty, I can see all your teeth are in your mouth!”

“Cant you see I only have one tooth left?!” said the king. “Forgive me your Majesty, but you may have had a bad dream as I see all your teeth intact in your mouth, Sir.” replied the bodyguard. The king asked the bodyguard to bring the court scholar, the pundit, to the court that day to understand the meaning of his dream. As it was a early morning dream and is said that early morning dreams come true, sometimes, so the king wanted to clarify what was the meaning behind this weird dream. In the court the king explained the dream to the scholar that his teeth fell off one by one and he lost his teeth till only one tooth remained!

After hearing the king’s dream, the pundit understood the dream immediately and replied. ”Your Majesty, your teeth represented your family and the one tooth which remained in the dream represented you, the king” and he said, “Great misfortune is going to fall on you, your Majesty, as all your family members will die one by one and only you will remain alive!” Hearing this, the king was angry and upset with the pundit and ordered in the court to give the pundit 1000 thrashings and to throw him in the dungeon. Next day, when the pundit’s son heard about what had transpired in the court, he decided to save his father from the punishment. He went to the court and told the king that he was also a pundit and could help king understand his dream. The king explained the dream again to the young scholar and said it was a very bad dream.

The young pundit immediatley replied “Your Majesty, in fact it is a very good and auspicious dream because the teeth represent your family and one tooth represents you.” “The dreams means that you are blessed with very good health. You are strong, very powerful and you have longer life span than rest of your family. So it means you will live long and prosper Your Majesty, and that is good news not bad news that our kingdom will be under your rule and leadership for many many years to come!” “Long live king,.. long live king ! exclaimed the young pundit. The king was relieved and happy hearing this and ordered the court to give this young man 1000 gold coins and also to appoint him the position of the court advisor!.

Eventually, the young man was able to release his father from the prison.

Credit for story-BAPS, Sanskar you tube channel.

Wisdom, Life lesson and Rules- Tongue is a powerful weapon and it is crucial as to how you speak the truth more than what you speak. When you speak the truth in a positive way it can benefit you and if you speak the truth in a negative way it can land you into deep trouble and loss.
