How to set goals for the year?

“Mommy, now I understood how to organize my day and what type of tasks I should have in my daily timetable but how do I set my goals? Please explain to me in detail…” said Neelu tree. “First, visualize yourself at the end of this year. What are the things you want to change or to achieve by the end of this year? How do you visualize yourself to be at the end of year? Think of that image you have of yourself as the end result. For example, you may visualize yourself to be 20 pounds slimmer by December end. Now in order to reach that destination we will plot a path to reach that destination of thinner version of you. So the present time, we will call as point A, and the destination we call as point B. Now to reach point B from Point A, we will need to take certain steps daily to reach point B. So daily, what steps do we have to take to be closer to our goal? Lets make a list of 3 things to achieve our destination B. To be closer to my goal 1. I must eat less quantity of unhealthy food. 2. I will exercise for 1 hour daily, (walking and yoga). 3. I will snack healthy (no junk food). Like this we can take manageable steps to reach our one goal for the end of the year and work on them throughout the year. Like this we can 2-3 goals with 3 steps and work on them simultaneously. we will have accomplished 2-3 goal this year end. Also, we can track our progress daily by keeping a tracking chart. Did I do all 3 things today to reach my destination B? and keep making little progress slowly but steadily, day by day”. Every time you complete your tasks for the day you are one step closer to your destination B” explained Nishu tree.

More tips to set goals…

  1. Dont set too many goals for the year so you can focus on them easily and add them to your timetable.

  2. Work hard to reach your goals, be it rain or shine no excuses for not taking the right steps daily, like brushing our teeth we don’t make excuses.

  3. Set your daily timetable which includes tasks from the goals like eating healthy snacks at certain time, doing exercise at specific time for example.

  4. if you are exercising for 1 hour then add extra 5 minutes to increase the strength by taking the steps instead of elevator, or adding weights or cycling or yoga.

  5. Believe in yourself that you will reach your destination B, by keeping track of your daily progress daily in your planner.

  6. Keep focus on the vision of your point B and don’t get side tracked or distracted from your goal unless emergency.

  7. Make doing your tasks for goals fun!. If you find it difficult to initiate going to exercise then add some activity which you enjoy while exercising like watching you tube videos or listening to audiobook or watching tv etc while exercising for example.

  8. If you are having hurdles like eating junk food when hungry then plan your snacks and meals in advance. After eating healthy lunch put out a few strawberries on the table so you know the next snack will be healthy.

  9. At the end of week track your progress and see how much weight you have lost for example.

  10. Celebrate your success at the end of the month if you have lost a pound for example .

Destination Point B