• One day at a time is all we should be dealing with. We can’t go back to yesterday and we can’t control tomorrow. So live for today.

  • Not all storms come to disrupt your life. Some come to clear your path.

  • To live a creative life, we must loose our fear of being wrong.

  • We can’t direct the wind but we can adjust the sails!

  • Your mind will always believe everything you tell it. So feed your mind with Hope, feed it Truth, and feed it Love.

  • If it costs you your mental health, it is too expensive.

  • Everything is a genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid!-Albert Einstein

  • When god gives you new beginning don’t repeat the same mistake

  • Discipline is a really important key aspect of survival and figuring out what is healthy for you long term, the long game.

  • The real test is being kind to unkind people.

  • I love it when I realize I’m handling a situation better than my old self would have-tinybudha

  • We all Suck at most things…So what? You get better by practicing, not panicking.

  • Stay dedicated. If you’re busy working on your goals and dreams, you’re not missing out on anything. Read that twice!

  • The strongest people are the ones who are still kind after the world tore them apart.-Raven emotion

  • Somebody somewhere is praying to have at least one thing of what you have right now. Please stop taking your blessings for granted.-officialtfh

  • Never sacrifice three things your family your heart or dignity.

  • Make your future self proud of you….by taking a leap today.-greatness

  • God is greater than whatever it is that’s making you anxious. Give it to him.

  • Your mind is a garden. Your thoughts are the seeds. You can grow flowers or you can grow weeds.

  • Congratulations to everyone who moved on without the genuine apology or closure you deserve. That’s not easy.-ditchthelabel

  • As a couple when u make it yr priority to lift each other up and celebrate each others skills and talents is truly powerful.

  • 4 things u are definitely too old for-toxic relationship, people pleasing, overthinking , doubting yourself

  • There will always be someone who can’t see your worth. Don’t let it be you.

  • Today is the day u stop letting someone get comfortable with disrespecting u.

  • Life is too short to start your day with broken pieces of yesterday, it will definitely destroy your wonderful today and ruin your great tomorrow.

  • The most important habit you should develop is the ability to always believe in yourself.

  • if u spend time chasing butterflies they’ll fly away. but if you spend your time making a beautiful garden the butterflies will come.

If you want success then pay attention. Then there is no tension. So if you don’t want tension than simply pay attention!

When we focus on a thought and we really hold that focus that thought will manifest in our life.-Rhondabyron

Someday you will look back and understand why it all happened the way it did.-Inky Johnson

When you make a mistake it is only by telling the truth that you progress.

The best portion of your life will be the small, nameless moments you spend smiling with someone who matters to you.-Ritu Ghatourey

Imagine yourself living peacefully doing what you love-Idil Ahmed

Don’t be afraid of losing someone who is not grateful to have you.-powerofpositivity

To be happy you must: let go of what’s gone, be grateful for what remains, and look forward to what is coming next.

When life is sweet, say thank you and celebrate. And when life is bitter, say thank you and grow.-Shauna Niequist