“What does a woman want, mommy?” asked Neelu Tree. “The other day two friends were sitting near my roots and discussing about a woman. They were trying to come up with ideas on how to please her and so I am curious and would like to know “what will make a woman happy”?”

Nishu Tree replied “Every human being is a soul, and every soul loves honesty, respect, affection, purity and happiness. So we should treat every individual with love, respect, unconditional love, cleanliness of pure heart, truth and also spread happiness around with whomsoever you meet. We must treat and respect mothers like queens and fathers like kings and then you will be also treated like a prince and princess. But there is one thing in particular which a woman likes very much. I will tell you a story maybe that will help you understand better.” said Nishu Tree

Once upon a time…

Long Time ago, young King Arthur was captured by a neighboring Monarch. The Monarch decided not to kill King Arthur as he was very impressed by King Arthur’s honesty and character. He told King Arthur that if the king could answer one difficult question in a years time, he would grant King Arthur his freedom. The question was “What do women really want?” King Arthur accepted his proposition and went home to his wife and asked her this question. He asked this question to every woman he met but he was not satisfied with answers he had gotten from women. He also asked wise men and everyone pointed to a witch who knew everything and lived in the outskirts of the kingdom. King Arthur did not have any satisfactory answer from anyone so he finally decided to pay a visit to the witch. The witch was famous for quoting exorbitant prices for her knowledge. When King asked the answer to the question the witch had a condition. The witch wanted to marry Gavin, King Arthur’s most closest friend for the answer to King Arthur’s question.

King Arthur was horrified as the witch was very ugly and repulsive and didnt want to burden his friend with marrying this ugly witch. When Gavin came to know of the proposal he decided to marry witch in order to save his closest friend’s life.

The wedding was announced and then after the wedding the witch answered King Arthur’s question. She said “what does every woman want is to be in charge of her life”. Hearing this everyone agreed as this was the most satisfactory answer to this difficult question. When the monarch got the answer he was satisfied with answer and granted freedom to King Arthur.

When Gavin entered the bedroom after the wedding he saw the most beautiful woman he had ever seen! He was pleasantly surprised and asked what had happened to the ugly witch he had married! The witch answered that this was her original true form and since Gavin was kind to marry her she had decided to change into her true form. But she could only stay in her true form for 12hrs and 12hrs she would turn into the ugly witch!

So she asked him “During the day or during the night, which 12hrs you want me to stay as witch and which 12hrs the other form?

Gavin thought for a moment …that during day he could show her off to his friends and during night she would be a witch! and vice versa.

Gavin was smart and noble. He asked her to decide which form she would like to be during day and night as she would be the best judge! The witch was very happy with the answer since a woman likes to be in charge. Gavin had made the right choice by asking her to answer her own question. Since she was very happy with the answer the witch decided to be in her true form forever and never turn into ugly witch. They all lived happily ever after.

Wisdom, life lesson and rules-A woman wants to be in charge of her life and so does everyone. We must give everyone freedom, and space to make their own decisions in life after they are an adult.