The Three Dolls

Once upon a time, it was time for graduation in a small Gurukul in a village. According to the tradition the teacher was supposed to give last advice lecture to the graduates. All the graduates were excited as their 12 years of studying in the Gurukul was now coming to the end and they were graduating that day and could return to their own homes and family. The teacher said to the students, “I want everyone to gather around me and listen to my last lecture very carefully.

The students gathered around the teacher. In his hand he had 3 dolls and he asked the children what was the difference between the 3 dolls as all 3 dolls looked similar. After lots of pondering and poking the children got the answer and told their teacher. “This doll has a hole in both the ears” said one smart student. “Teacher, this second doll has a hole in his one ear and it leads to the hole in the mouth.” said another smart student. “Teacher the third doll has just one hole in the ear.” said another student.

“Very good that is absolutely correct!” Saying this the teacher took a very thin metal thread and threaded the wire in the first doll through one ear and the metal wire came out from other end of the second ear. “Now in your life there will be 3 types of people coming in your life. Observe this 1st doll, the wire goes in one ear and comes out from the other ear, which means that there are some type of people who listen to your problems and remove your problems from the other side of the ear. Meaning they don’t really care about your problems so its a waste of time asking advice from these type of people as they don’t care about you or your problems. So do not ever discuss your problems with such people. Now look at the second doll, the wire goes through one ear and comes out through the route of the mouth. Meaning there are some type of people who listen to your problems or your important information and then gossip about your important information with other people. So you need to avoid these type of people too as they will not keep yr problems to themselves but gossip about it with others. Now look at the 3rd doll. The wire goes in the ear but doesnt come out from mouth or the second ear or anywhere. Meaning there are some type of people who listen to your problems and keep it to themselves and also give you right advice. These are the right people from whom you can ask for advice to your problems or share your thoughts. You can trust these type of people they are your strength and you should never loose such people.

Wisdom, Rules, Life lessons- There are different types of people we meet everyday. It is important to choose the right type of people you can trust in your life and never loose them.

Credits- Brahma Kumaris Organization.