The game of compounding

Once upon a time there was a very prosperous kingdom. The king was a big devotee of God Krishna. One day the king wanted to play chess with a pundit who challenged him to the game! The king asked him what did he want to win as a prize if the pundit won the game? The pundit replied, “Please your majesty my humble request is to put one grain of rice on the first square of chessboard and then double it for the next square and the next keep doubling it. Meaning in first square if you put one grain of rice in order to double it for the next square you need to put 2 grains and then for the next square double it again so 4 grains and then 16 grain in the next square and so forth.”

The king thought that was such a dumb request but he agreed to it. Now the game started and the king began to loose and the pundit seem to win the game as the game progressed. Finally, the smart pundit won the game and the king ordered his men to put rice in each square as per the pundits request. He was shocked that in the squares millions of grains of rice was needed to double the next square. He realized for the 64th square he needed trillion grain of rice due to the power of compounding! The king realized it was not possible to fulfill the pundits wishes as he didi’t have so much rice in his small kingdom so he turned to the pundit to ask his forgiveness and the pundit transformed into Lord Krishna in front of his eyes! Krishna smiled at the king and said “My dear king, I am pleased with your devotion and prayers for me and you don’t have to repay me the rice immediately you can pay it off slowly over the years!” and then he disappeared. From that day the king build a big temple and offered rice dessert called Payasam everyday to the God Krishna…….

Till today there is offering of Payasam in the temple for the deity.

Wisdom, Rules and Life lessons- The power of compounding is the eighth wonder of the world! according to Einstein. We must not underestimate its power and take it lightly.