The Farmer and God

Once upon a time there was a farmer who was struggling to grow crops. Due to the unexpected rains, floods, wind, drought he was not able to grow his crops the way he wanted and so he was very, very frustrated with the weather and God for sending heavy rains and storms etc unexpectedly.

One day he went to the temple thinking he will talk to God about his problems. He said to God, “Dear God, I know you are so powerful but looks like you don’t understand how the farming is done and how to plan the weather properly. If you give me a chance, for one year, the weather should be however I desire, then you will see I will fill up the whole granary with good crops and food. Just give me one chance to show you what I can do.” God decided to appear before his devotee and smiled and said to the farmer in his divine form, “Alright, just as you wish, from now on, you will plan the weather and I will grant you the weather what you desire you, I will not interfere in your planning!” Having said that, God disappeared. The farmer was ecstatic and started planning the weather on his way home. Now when the farmer wanted sunshine, he got just the right amount of sunshine and when he wanted rain he got rain and the crops started growing in abundance and flourish. It made the farmer very happy to see his crops growing so lush and healthy. He started thinking in his mind, “Now God will understand how to create good crops and God was unnecessary giving us so much trouble all these years for nothing!” Now the time came for cutting the crops and the proud farmer started to cut the crops. As he was cutting the wheat, he realized there was no grain in the stalks of wheat plants!! All the plants were empty from inside there was no grains in any of them! He was so very devastated and he asked God, “O God, what has happened to my crops! they do not have one kernel of grain in them??” God smiled and replied, “This was bound to happen, you did not let them get burning heat from the sun nor let them struggle in the storms they do not have any experience of any challenges in life whatsoever, so they don’t have inner strength to develop and grow grains inside themselves. So all the crops are empty from inside. When the storms, floods, heavy rains extreme drought and sun come then the plant struggles and fights to survive and gains inner strength. This inner strength which comes out of the struggle gives it energy to blossom internally. Similarly, gold also has to go through rigorous heat and other hardship to mould itself into a beautiful precious necklace around your neck. So in life if there are no challenges and struggles then a man is empty from inside, no good qualities are cultivated in him. If in life you want to be successful and prosperous then one must face challenges and storms of life.!” Having explained to the farmer, God disapppered in thin air. The farmer realized his mistake and never questioned God again.

Wisdom, life lessons and rules : No matter what the situation is, always it is wise to have trust in God and trust in the challenges and hardship that comes in our lives. View the storms as a gift from God and have the attitude that we can overcome it.