The Haughty Crow

Once upon a time, a crow was flying mid air in the sky. Some swans were flying mid air at the same time and happen to pass the crow flying too. The crow started to poke fun at them and said, “Hello swans, all you guys can do is open yr wings and fly thats all you can do! Look at me, I can do so many tricks in the air! Can you fly swiftly like me? Can you do all the tricks I can do in mid air? Can u swoop down quickly? No you cannot! Actually you guys don’t even know how to fly properly!” After listening to the crow, an old swan replied, “Its a good thing that you know so much about flying but you should not be so egoistic and arrogant about it.” “I am not being egoistic! if anyone of you wants to compete with me then come in the front and defeat me.” said the crow defensively. One young swan decided to accept the crow’s challenge and came in front. It was decided that the competition was to be in 2 phases. In the first phase crow had to show the tricks and swan had to copy them and in the second phase swan had to show its tricks and crow had to copy them. The competition began and the crow started showing his tricks one after other. Crow would fly in circles, touch the ground and shoot up quickly like a rocket and so on. The swan tried to copy the tricks but couldn’t do them as he had heavier body than crow. And the crow started laughing at the swan saying. “I told you guys in the beginning, that except for simple flying you cannot do anything. You are all good for nothing!” The swans kept quiet and ignored the taunting of the crow. Now the second phase of the competition began. It was now turn of young Swan. He flew towards ocean slowly and steadily. The crow followed the young swan copying him. “What is a big deal in this? We are just flying straight, without any challenge or tricks!” remarked the disappointed crow. The swan didn’t reply and continued flying quietly. As they flew higher and higher and for longer period of time, the crow was getting tired and started to fall many times towards the water almost hitting it. Swan asked the crow why he was diving towards the ocean more and more and whether this was one of his tricks? The tired crow replied, “I am sorry for behaving the way I did, you guys can fly much longer than I can so I think you win this round as I am very exhausted flying for such a long period of time and now please please save me, help me! Otherwise I will fall in the ocean and drown, my wings are done flying for the day! I will never be so egoistic again I have realized that I was so wrong to think no end of myself. ” The kind swan allowed the crow to sit on its back and took him back towards the land.

Wisdom, Life lesson and rules- Everyone has some or the other unique qualities that make them special and stand out. Even though we may have many skills and good qualities but if we have an ego about it that I am better than others, then due to this attitude of arrogance we may face humiliation one day like the crow. There is an old saying that an “Egoistic and arrogant person’s head is always bowed down due to humiliation.” So check yourself if you are also making the same mistake as the crow or not!

Credits- Brahma Kumaris Organization